- It was a perfect California day. 这一天是纯粹的加利福尼亚天气。
- It was a perfect day for a picnic. 那是野餐最理想的天气。
- It was a perfect likeness of his daughter. 那张画和他女儿真是像极了。
- It was a perfect festival wherever he appeared. 他经过的地方就象过节似的。
- Would it be a perfect holiday for you? 这会是你的一个完美的假期吗?
- All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. 所有看过这幅画的人都认为它是展现平静的完美的图画。
- It was a perfect day, with a bright sun and a few fleecy clouds in the heavens. 天气很好,阳光普照,天空飘着朵朵白云。
- James Ellison also added a penalty and it was a perfect day for the Academy. 埃里森同时点球锦上添花,而这一天对青年军来说是美妙的一天。
- JOE: Oh, I think you have a gift for it. It was a perfect blend of poetry and meanness. 这还得感谢你。当我面对一个可怕的没有感情的人时,我第一次清楚地知道我想说什么,并且把它说出来了。
- Now that it was a perfect circle,it could roll very fast,too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. 现在它已成了一个完美的圆圈,所以滚动得非常快,以至于难以观赏花儿,也无暇与蠕虫倾诉心声。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- Vulcanized rubber was a perfect insulating material; on the railway it was usedfor shock-absorbers and cushions. 硫化橡胶是一种很好的绝缘材料,在铁路上可用来做减震器和减震垫。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. 现在它已成了一个完美的圆圈,所以滚动得非常快,以至于难以观赏花儿,也无暇与蠕虫倾诉心声。
- He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain. 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很上算。
- Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers of talking to the worms. 既然它已成了一个完整的圆圈,所以滚动得非常快,快得以至于无暇观赏花儿,也无暇与蠕虫倾诉心声。
- For baby boomer parents with their nuclear families, it was a perfect way to 4) bond with the kids. 对于婴儿潮世代组织了小家庭的父母而言,这是和孩子建立感情的理想方式。
- It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母亲去世对她是个沉重的打击。
- Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers or to talk to the worms. 既然它已成了一个完整的圆圈,所以滚动得非常快,快得以至于无暇观赏花儿,也无暇与蠕虫倾诉心声。
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。